A Force of Nature Witch: Stephanie Athena Marie


This interview is the transformative journey of a massage therapist who steps into her own power as an herbalist, remote psychic healer and force of nature witch.

There is so much to learn and share from this conversation and I highly recommend every holistic healing professional take this information to heart as we discuss:

*Collective transformation and healing the planet

*Self-inquiry, spiritual growth, transformation

*Professional development for massage therapists, creating your healing practice on your own terms

*How to be an herbalist and remote healer in a sustainable way

*How to expand your massage therapy practice and hone your intuitive gifts

*Go to work through triggers when someone uses a word that has a negative charge for you

Breakthrough Moments of Transformation

I love how this conversation with Stephanie helped me break through some of my associations and blocks around the word “witch”. This is the perfect time for all of us to let go of our negative associations of words and triggers so we can be clear and deeply understand who each individual is, beyond labels and triggers.

Stephanie shares her story of how she challenged the corporate model of Massage Envy. She also shares her transition from a hands-on massage therapist to a remote natural healer. This is so important for therapists and holistic healers to hear right now since many of us are pivoting and expanding our offerings.

“Whenever I see dysfunction in the world, I have a responsibility to the collective to say something doesn’t feel right. This is my responsibility to the whole. We owe it to ourselves and each other to use our voices, minds and hearts to bring solutions to the table. If we only bring problems instead of solutions, we aren’t going to get anywhere. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to the see the imbalances and feel them to the point that solutions begin to rise up out of us.”-Stephanie Athena Marie

If you are ready to hone your intuitive skills as a therapist, this interview will inspire you to work with your own healing gifts and expand your high sense perception. We discuss that uncomfortable growth period that happens when you start working beyond the physical with clients.

More Support for Self-Healing and Professional Development

My conversations with Stephanie are so full of wisdom and useful information for healers. I have made the second half of this interview available on my Patreon page FREE of charge. Stephanie is also offering some fantastic discounts on her products and services and we go even deeper than this interview in a bonus interview for podcast supporters.



Check out Stephanie Athena Marie’s limited time discounts and offerings:



Ready to learn and do deeper? I am so excited to offer a seven-week Shamanic Empowerment course that begins on August 17! Check out Expanding Sacred here

Thank you for supporting this work at www.Patreon.com/EvangelineHemrick