Distance Healing-Does it Really Work?


What is distance healing and does it really work? Have you ever experienced a remote healing session? Evangeline has been working with clients all over the world for many years. This is her story of how she went from being very skeptical about healing from a distance to offering remote sessions herself.

Evangeline explains why remote healing is easy to do and difficult at the same time. The key to remote healing is being able to use your mind to visualize energy and stay focused on feeling good yourself.
This episode covers the techniques used to practice distance healing in Reiki Level 2 training.
Remote energy healing comes in handy when a practitioner can’t see their clients in person.

Evangeline says, “I love teaching my clients how to do their own healing work. Distance healing sessions provide the opportunity for a client to be empowered in their own healing process.” Distance healing can be powerful and effective. This could be the perfect time to learn how to be even more useful to your clients.