Regenerative Medicine, Science & Spirituality-Professor David Williams


Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Creativity and Spirituality

Professor David Williams’ contributions to biomaterials, medical devices and tissue engineering impact all of our lives.

Many of us might receive an implant or medical device at some point, but chances are we already know clients or loved ones with pacemakers, heart valves, hip replacements, etc. This is where the groundbreaking research of David Williams affects us all.

Scientist and shaman: friends from different walks of life share a deep conversation.

Take a glimpse into the life of a world-renowned scientist. This interview is a deep dive into topics such as science, ethics, spirituality, poetry and creativity.

Professor David Williams has had 50 years experience in the fields of biomaterials, medical devices and tissue engineering, gained during appointments at the University of Liverpool in the UK, and more recently at various positions around the world. During his career, he has published over 30 books and 420 papers: his latest book, Essential Biomaterials Science, was published by Cambridge University Press in June 2014. He was global President of the Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine International Society from 2013-2015.

While retaining the title of Emeritus Professor at Liverpool, he is currently Professor and Director of International Affairs, Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine, North Carolina, USA. In addition, he is a Visiting Professor in the Chris Barnard Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cape Town, South Africa.

David’s poetry book, A Decade of Transition: A Collection of the Poems of David Williams, is available on Amazon. Contact David at 

I love so many of David’s poems, but I chose to share this one, since the topic is so relevant to our global situation.

Silence is Complicity 

The mute poet street
Silently leads to unspoken words
Scribed on the pavement’s feet
Understood by mice and birds
Those without tongues can still tweet
Passions have to be stirred
The corrupting lies that each day greet
Us cannot be shelved as if not heard
No difference can I make, an idea you should eat
Then regurgitate with bile, a disgusting curd
And spew out your righteousness, complete
With honor, truth, feeling, anger unfurled
Silence is complicity, as if brains effete
Turn off with ease the almighty absurd

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