My Kambo Frog Medicine Ceremony


Kambo frog medicine ceremony is a shamanic ritual for spiritual healing and physical detox.

I have been wanting to tell the story of my first Kambo frog medicine experience on January 7. Kambo is known in the Amazon as the “Vaccine of the Forest”. Kambo secretions contain over 120 (known) bioactive peptides that stimulate healing on a physical level.

The cool thing about intuitively creating whether it’s podcasting, writing blogs or creating online courses, is that I don’t put something out in the world until it feels right.

The time is finally right to share my incredible shamanic experience. I hope more people learn about the immune strengthening and pain relieving benefits this sweet creature offers.

My first experience of this deeply spiritual medicine was with Julie Merrill in Asheville, NC. I can’t say enough good things about her level of integrity and professionalism. Julie is a powerful healer who has been facilitating Kambo ceremonies for fourteen years.

About Alchemy Kambo

To learn more about Kambo and find out if this might be a supportive treatment for you, check out Carly Sink’s website:

Ready for a deep dive into plant spirit medicine? Check out my online course Expanding Sacred:

Listen to my podcast on Plant Spirit Medicine here: How to Work With Plant Spirit Medicine