Qigong: DIY Energy Work & Inner Martial Arts


Healing facilitators will need to choose a regular movement practice to sustain their career.

For those of us who used to move & breathe around a treatment table all day long but now we create content online, finding a movement practice we enjoy is mission critical. Qigong is my movement of choice because it really is energy work & inner martial arts at the same time.

Now that I write books and create courses, I also need lots of hiking in the woods, strength training, yoga & tons of pilates to stay strong and sharp! I didn’t have to work quite this hard at it when my work days were so physical.

In my first book True Calling, I wrote about how every healer needs to find their favorite form of movement, but that was before I took my work online and started sitting in front of a computer to write! Now that I offer remote sessions and teach online courses, my body needs so much more movement. Get your copy of my first book, True Calling here.

Do you know about inner martial arts and how to cultivate your power? Check out my article where I share more about Qi Gong is Moving Meditation