Meeting ID: 826 4060 2487
Passcode: FOUNTAIN
This will be excellent preparation for the work ahead so that you understand how our energy fields and bodies are changing with the frequency of the earth. You may also wish to revisit these are a refresher before we begin energy healing training.
Create a sacred space for learning.
Discover your unique learning style and implement ways you learn best.
Set up an altar and have your sacred objects on hand.
Set clear intentions for why you are doing this training and what you wish to accomplish after six months of being in this program. Certifications are available after six months of completion of the training modules.
Movement as energy work is how we co-regulate our nervous systems to designate our online portal as a safe healing space.
In this training, we discuss Louise L. Hay’s book Heal Your Body as well as Michael Lincoln’s book, Messages from the Body.
We will have an ongoing exploration of German New Medicine & dowsing as a way of life and approach to medical intuitive work, not as a modality to give a black and white diagnosis. Enjoy this bonus class on German New Medicine!
The video above is a replay of a bonus class on German New Medicine. You can learn more here:
“The neurological feedback of your body is extraordinary; it accurately and instantly tracks every thought you are thinking-even before a thought is fully formed-with correlating emotions. Your body is perfectly designed to provide you with emotional biofeedback on how you are aligning with your Higher Self within every present moment.”-The Sophia Code
In this week’s energy healing training, we begin to “own the room” and energetically command our space as we learn in Basic Psychic Development
GNM (German New Medicine) and distance healing techniques this week. Learn more about GNM at this site:
In today’s training, I share some highly confidential information about a client that I would not share publicly.
It can take YEARS before you fully realize the assignment of spiritual service you’ve been given! This can be frustrating and very difficult, but the more you activate your light body, the more effective and clear you will be.
If you want to see my teachers in the Light Body Training and experience some of their meditations for free, check out orindaben.com
And if you want to know more about the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek, check him out here!
Dowsing is a process. The biggest challenge is learning how to ask the question you want clarity on so the wisdom of your own body can give you the information back to you in a way you can receive it the easiest.
Dowsing is NOT mystical. Using a pendulum in this way is tapping into the wisdom of your supercomputer and syncing your body/nervous system to a healing tool.
Check out this free educational PDF from Walt Wood & Raymon Grace : A Letter to Robin
This podcast is a long listen on Guardianship & Spiritual Hygiene but I look at long form podcasts like this as more of a class. So take your time with it and do take advantage of all the resources and wisdom shared here: The Emerald
Here’s a dowsingchartupdated
Suggestions for clearing negative energy from Raymon Grace: Raymon Grace Protocol
Below is a tutorial about the 3rd Level of the Field (Mental Body) from the Next Level Healer archives.
The handout from Raymon Grace I refer to in the video: “Energy Healing 3rd Level Mental Body Oct 28” is only in hard copy, not a digital PDF, so I am going to give you the information here.
From Raymon:
Determine the life force energy of the water. This is done by percentage, 100% being ideal. Determine the energy level of the water using a “Bovis scale” or whatever scale you choose. This is just to be able to determine your progress in energizing the water.
Determine if the “Spirit of the Water” is in the container or body of water you have chosen as your project. Yes, water has a Spirit.
If the “Spirit of the Water” is not present in the container, we must make the water suitable to receive the spirit back into the structure.
Determine if any of the following are in the water: negative entities, demonic forces, poltergeists, negative thought forms, spirits such as the spirit of greed, anger, or fear.
Determine if there are any curses on the water or the land. Determine if anyone has drowned in the water, and if there spirit is still there.
Scramble the frequency of all chemical, biological and radiological pollutants of the water and adjust them to the frequency of pure water.
Then, if appropriate, invite in the “Spirit of the Water”.
Ask to raise the energy of the water to the highest appropriate level, to accomplish the desired purpose you have in mind.
Put a thought form into the water that will energize all water it comes in contact with, to equal or exceed the energy of the original water from Source.
The bonus video above is an archive from my Next Level Healer energy healing course I created in 2021. Several of you took that course so I would love to find out from you how your own 4th dimensional aspects have changed since we did that training program together. How do you navigate “low astral” influences now and what does healing work look like for you in 4D? Do you work with the chakra system differently than before?
Preparations for Remote Healing/Remote Viewing Practice Session:
#1-Get still and quiet. Place your hand on your heart. Feel the rhythm of your heartbeat as you inhale and exhale, slowing down. Feel a colored light bridge between your human self and the vast network of other realms you have access to. Your heart is the stargate portal that helps this process happen.
#2- Call on guidance and support. Invite the presence of your higher self/oversoul, pure love and guides. “I now invite the highest guidance and loving energy that supports the highest good of all.”
#3-Set a clear intention and create heart coherence. Keep it pure and simple.
#4-Open to impressions that drift across your awareness. Relax into subtle sensations, temperature, color, sounds, images.
#5-Record nuances as they float in. This can be with a recorder or in a journal.
#6-Close with appreciation and prayer. Ground back into your present surroundings and environment. Revisit the information that came with fresh eyes and ears later for more insights.