This will be excellent preparation for the work ahead so that you understand how our energy fields and bodies are changing with the frequency of the earth. You may also wish to revisit these are a refresher before we begin energy healing training.
Create a sacred space for learning.
Discover your unique learning style and implement ways you learn best.
Set up an altar and have your sacred objects on hand.
Set clear intentions for why you are doing this training and what you wish to accomplish after six months of being in this program. Certifications are available after six months of completion of the training modules.
Password: FOUNTAIN
We’re kicking off our mentoring container by introducing the four foundational pillars of The Fountain’s educational/coaching program!
Our first live Zoom will be an opening ceremony & anointing/activation for each participant who can join in live at 8:30am Eastern on Tuesday, Sept 3.
Thursday Sept 4 at 8:30am Eastern will be an “Open House” live tour around the portal and how to get the most out of the mentorship. Evangeline will be available for Q & A as everyone gets settled in to the course work.
The following week, you will have four training sessions per week: Monday-Thursday, beginning September 9. Class schedule is on the Dashboard page, if you wish to tune in for specific topics being taught.
Each session will begin at 8:30am Eastern and the duration of the session will depend on the course work for that day. Some sessions may be 30 minutes and some may go to 9:30am. This course is designed to fit into your busy life as an earth angel/super hero. It’s not about showing up each day unless that’s the most powerful way for you to receive the transmissions Evangeline is giving. You can just as easily watch the day’s training at 3am your time and fit the course work & coaching into your life.
As the trainings develop, Evangeline will share access to previously recorded courses which are yours to download and save, if you choose.
This aspect of the training is Evangeline’s life work: healing techniques, energy work modalities and spiritual advancement through practice. Evangeline will tutor you in measurable, effective ways to develop your vibrational energy work practice and energy healing abilities.
Each week, you will have training sessions offered on energy healing modalities, dowsing techniques and spiritual growth tools.
Consistent training is offered because becoming a master of energy healing takes time and commitment. Certification is available when specific training & practice requirements are met. Certification in Energy Healing, Coaching & Shamanic Healing requires six consistent months in the monthly membership along with completing required course work & homework assignments.
Mastery of energy healing begins with solid meditation skills and a consistent practice. Evangeline will guide you to mastery in meditation, a skill set that is necessary to perfect your energy healing techniques. Energy healing is a way of life, meditation is the key.
These three essential aspects of any successful facilitator’s life are addressed in the third foundational pillar, but movement techniques such as Qi Gong are covered in every pillar of training because movement is essential for energy work, preparation for meditation and also manifestation/mindset/holistic coaching work.
Spiritual practice development is offered alongside holistic business training for creatives, leaders, teachers and business owners. Community and mentorship are essential for the growth of a healthy professional life. The Fountain is designed to help you flourish & be affluent in every way with wealth consciousness to help you achieve your soul mission & life purpose.
Meeting ID: 826 4060 2487
Passcode: FOUNTAIN
This mentorship container has been designed for volunteers who have come to planet earth in service to all living beings.
Write powerfully in your journal WHY you are in this mentorship program and what you desire to get out of this training with me?
Reflect on your life history to date. Think back on your life and note the key events that have led you to this moment.
Downloads will Appear Here