Tuesday Training

Meditation skills

Meditation Training & Guided Meditations Offered Weekly! 

Meditation is the foundation of intuitive development

We kicked off the “soft launch” of the community with a water ceremony, setting our clear intentions for the New Moon in Virgo while making our own holy water. 

Meditation strengthens your intuitive abilities & develops your unique psychic super powers. 

Meditation is all about mastering your brainwave states. 
Do you know how to shift out of Beta brainwaves and into Alpha state to be programmable? 
Check out my podcast where I talk about what I learned from Raymon Grace when it comes to Alpha brainwaves & programming our own minds: Confessions of a Dirty Mind
In this training, we discuss physical prep, spiritual hygiene and meditation tools to enhance your practice. Cultivating your energy through meditation comes down to consistency and creating a new habit. 
Here’s the new podcast where I uploaded the very first guided meditation I want to share with you: Guided Meditation: Healing Waters

“Merkaba is a 17-meters-diameter energy field surrounding the human physical body, consisting of two counter-rotating tetrahedrons. They are constantly spinning at the speed of light. Through meditation, this field can be amplified.

The utilizing of human light-body leads to ascension. Mer-Ka-Ba is a vehicle that allows us to travel between different dimensions. It is a state of awareness, that will be a common feature of future humanity. Drunvalo Melchizedek speaks often about the Indigo and Crystal children, about the miracles they perform – present and future.

The sacred space in the heart (a physical, chakra-like center in the human body, through which the intent for creation is possible). This concept describes the two ways of manipulating the material world. The first one by the Mind (the aggressive, discordant, active type). The second by the Heart (the harmonic, passive type).


The first type is self-energy demanding to be maintained, and surely it’s not cheap. For example,  the black magic phenomena, the politics, the industry, the ongoing presence of conflicts and wars, the stress level of the whole society, and so on. The Heart uses the energy of the Universe, utilizing the idea of Oneness, which is self-maintained. The manipulation-through-mind activities consist of the consciousness of many (I-Am, and you-are). However, the intent-through-heart is the consciousness of One (I-Am-You, and You-Are-Me).”-drunvalo.org

I made the Hara Line Healing audio track I wanted to share with you into a podcast so I can share it lots of different ways. This is the 5D healing experience-we are well beyond the chakra system now! 

5D Hara Line Healing Exercise

Guided Meditation Library coming soon! 




Handouts to review (click to download, print)
will be uploaded here when classes are shared