Thursday Training

holistic Business

Are you “Energy Rich”? Are you holding the frequency of 5th Dimensional Wealth? This is where we dive into frequency activation!

Review of action steps: 
  1. When you wake up in the morning, take the first five minutes to do a body scan and breathe your spirit into your body. Take advantage of the alpha brainwave state “glimmer” that you have access to for just a few minutes upon waking. 
  2. Begin to use your hands as the sophisticated healing tools they are! Circulate your energy from your heart through your hands to a specific area of your body that wants your attention. 
  3. Ground to the earth, move your body and receive sun codes by taking in the first 20 minutes of sunrise light facing East with no glasses. 
  4. Begin practicing energy work on your water & money. No better place to begin than with these important parts of daily life! 

Take the power of money back into your hands. 

If you don’t use cash, you can simply hold your financial situation or your bank account in your hands, as energy.

Hold your physical hands out to hold the energy of your finances. Use your imagination. Does your money situation feel prickly, smooth, yucky, sticky, beautiful? 

What color do you imagine your financial situation to be? Can you beautify the energy of your finances? Can you hold your wealth consciousness as energy and enhance it? It’s all up to you! 

Want to go deeper into the origins of Human Design? Human Design is based on the I-Ching as well as deeper ancient origins in the Medicine Wheel teachings. Here’s one of my favorite workbooks for delving deep into Medicine Wheel Wisdom: Dancing with the Wheel by, Sun Bear


Handouts to review