Wednesday Training

coaching training

Being coached is the best way to become a master facilitator for your clients. 

How coachable you are determines how successful you will be.
You have a vast amount of resources at your disposal that will make you a better coach. But first, you must utilize these tools in your own life. 

Discover your unique Human Design Bodygraph here

Get your yearly planetary forecast Destiny Report here


Do you want to be a coach? Are you ready to BE coached to become the very best coach for others? 

Every human design chart will give you a vast amount of information about the individual. It’s like a treasure map and the buried treasure is our potential! This is a group coaching session I did for students in the Shamanic Practitioner Program years ago. I’m blown away by how much more I know now about HD than when I was sharing this information, but that’s the way of planetary systems and the math of the universe. The learning never ends! 


Handouts to review (click to download, print)
will be posted here after trainings