Shifting from Scared to Sacred

Evangeline Hemrick Podcast

Episode 01 of Evangeline’s new podcast: Shifting from Scared to Sacred

Scared to Sacred podcast explores ways to reclaim our energy and power. This podcast is a sacred space to explore energetic awareness, community, self-care, sustainable living and connection to nature.

This podcast has been created to help us all transmute our fears by changing our perspectives and reclaiming our power. Evangeline is passionate about creating a virtual healing space/community to support positive change. What healing stories do you have to share? When have you faced your fears and won?

In this episode, Evangeline shares how her near death experience was a wake up call and new beginning. After almost dying and experiencing consciousness beyond this dimension, she shares her most profound moment of awakening.  This podcast will explore topics such as conscious living, shamanism, self-healing, energy clearing, plant spirit medicine, ancestral healing and so much more. Enjoy interviews with brave individuals who had their own transformation experience, faced their fears and won. This show is for every person who wants to make their own life better.

Scared to Sacred Topics:

*Shifting fear of our physical bodies and uncertainty about health into sovereignty of our own unique ecosystem.

*How to transmute our fear of food and what we should be eating into a nourishing connection to the earth and ancestral traditions.

*How to shift scary perspectives on God and religious oppression into love and connection.

*Transmuting fear of the unknown and the fear of change into personal and collective power.

If you are a healing practitioner, massage therapist or wellness professional, check out Evangeline’s podcast for healers: Inside the Healing Room.

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